Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Testing Day...

It is now 11th March 2008. I am ready. I have to be. It is Testing Day.
It begins with the written exams, one maths, verbal and one rational thought then a 200 question personality test. All timed to be just done or in many cases not done in a set time.
I think I have done ok. The day is warm but not hot and no wind, perfect for running.
There are 4 of us in this PAT. At 33, I am the second oldest.
A pass on Testing Day for me is : RUN 2.4km in >10:50, 34+ press ups, 48cm+ vertical jump and combined grip of 96kg+ for my hands.
We get to the start of the run to warm up, I feel weak, nervous and excited. I have peeed about 10 times in 3 hours and my mouth is dry, but I keep drinking. The next thing they are waiting for me at the line, I havent really finished stretching but I know I'm ready. The Physical Education Officer ( PEO ) says... GO. It hurts almost straight away but its ok, I am 3rd but its not a race against them. We all have different times to get it in depending on age. I have never run so fast, double breaths and only 400m to go. I dig in, it really hurts now and I cross the line with the PEO saying "10.04". A pass but I am hurting bad. My diaphragm is aching and I can taste blood. The break is only 5 min before the jump, my nemesis, I need to get my breath back in that time.
I am second for the jump. I stand there going through it in my mind and go getting a 53cm for my first and 49cm for the other 2 goes, another pass. Press ups next with another 5 minute break. I set up arms out at 90 degrees to my body, my index finger needs to be in the centre of my elbow pivot and they cannot move. I start and feel good. I am getting to 30 and it hurts but I'm not quitting, I hit the magic 34 and a wave of joy washes over me but I only get 2 more, close, but a pass. I nail the grip with 136kg.
I am the only one to pass their first time for our group, the edge I had was that I went to the practice day where they give you pointers on technique etc... in 3 days I have another test, the PCT.

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